Wednesday, August 1, 2007


As they are closing the RENFE tunnel in 7 days, I bought again the general Madrid Transportes coupon for both the metro and the cercanías services. Today, I've travelled through Nuevos Ministerios again. The station is so spacious, light and clean, a perfect opposite to the Recoletos one. There is a reason we call it "Manhattan" with Gabriel, with Recoletos being "Queens". One week of luxury!


Anonymous said...

Lol. Come to think of it, I've never even noticed whether it's spacious nor not -something that I like, since I hate small places-, but all the times I've been there were during the rush hour trailing a case, bound to the airport. Quite stressful memories about it in actuality!

Jan said...

Oh, if you hate small places then you shouldn't think about taking the train from Recoletos. Like never. It's a very stressful place.

Anonymous said...

The best station, by the way, I remember seeing (then again, I haven't seen many) was the Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Jan said...

Yes, I assume it's an amazing station. Slightly controversial, but what isn't.
Today, I have been impressed by the Metro station at Chamartín. I have never been there before and I wanted to check it out before the tunnel closure. They've constructed platforms for two additional Metro lines that don't exist at this moment!